Friday 5 August 2011

Chapter 6;Values

In the two decades that I have co-existed with fellow mortals in this world I have come to develop certain inferences on how to relate with one another.

Having not yet mentioned any relations with my paternal parent I wanted to reserve this post for him.The values imparted by the man were unrivaled.
While he imparted many for instance humility,kindness and contentment,discipline was the key. However firmly it was administered. He clearly distinguished between being brought up and being left to grow.He believed in "kukulisa wewe kiboko" which is loosely translated as your arse in fellowship with the cane. It did not matter where he finds you when he discovers your shortcomings. Yes in the presence of your friends,at the bus stop,in church anywhere.
I will admit that more values are yet to be assimilated as I continue living this life. In so far as I'm convinced the following apply across all beliefs,cultures and any form of setting and situation that homo sapien sapiens are present.
  1. Candor  
Never would my old man say something behind anyone's back. It hardly mattered whether your thoughts were in unison.He had a dagger approach to issues and would not shy away from expressing an opinion. In society sorry to say we have lots of people who kiss serious ass.I have a grave yard of bones to pick with the media.The fraternity has gone to bed with politicians forsaking the crucial role the fourth estate is empowered to perform.If any of them had strapped on a pair Kenya would not have been high up on the list of failed states.Corruption,nepotism,fraud in public institutions is neatly tucked away by these fellows.My list is not in any way exhaustive and it takes no genius to join the dots.

     2. Charity/Philanthropy

In the household that I was raised,If you were not willing to share then you were not part of the family.The resources always satisfied the members regardless of their abundance.Sadly that is not the spirit in society today.This is fueled by the maxims of capitalism.Scholars may argue that socialism restricts growth and personal development.So I pose my question, which is the lesser evil?? A communist setting would be in my opinion economical and equitable as opposed to a capitalist one where there's  unquantifiable wastefulness and disparity in lifestyle.Why would we have a frenzy of activity and channeling of money to funds that feed the starving in various parts of the world? It beats logic that turnover of corporates is in billions of dollars while a few million human beings face death by starvation.In the current situation we find ourselves in since we chose the selfish way of life,,philanthropy should not only be a value but there should be some form of legislation that pegs some sort of percentage on the incomes of  companies towards the less privileged.

    3.Responsibility and Family

Easy.If a man has any issue{legal term for offspring} he has all legal and moral obligation to take care of it.I will not go into the nitty gritty details of how my father managed to raise us but if its any consolation I would only say that the means were all legitimate. How many single parents are there not because the father is deceased but for the simple reason that the coward took off?? What should stop a man from fending for his family if the a hyena does despite its reputation of being cruel and calculating.Tafakari hayo

    4.Hardwork and fairness

Hardwork pays.But it is never enough.Humans lack the virtue of contentment.This results to unfairness.A man who's father is unknown will not secure his dream job to boost a career that has cost an arm and leg to build.The creed of intensity integrity and intelligence has long been eroded and reduced down to who has more qualitative advantage than the other.Sweat and blood will not get you anywhere simply because you have the wrong genes and are not a son of the village chief or a seasoned politician.You can dress a goat and and trace it to the lineage of so and so and get along this life.


People are diverse.Cultures,beliefs.traditions,religions,race et al.
I have come to learn that we will never worship the same god,never agree on whether living a chaste life is wrong or right,whether it is acceptable for one to hug their mother-in-law,whether black people are pre-disposed to chicken,whether white women can dance or whether some men  prefer to be the ones in the wedding gowns.But we all have one thing in common. We are human so the only thing we should exercise is tolerance and mutual respect for life and property.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Chapter;5 On The Cusp Of Suicide

In my life time I have rubbed shoulders with death and this is my attempt at de-mystifying it.This was done a while back when I was hit with the news that a former friend of the family had taken his own life........THE BIG QUESTION SHOULD BE WHY NOT?? ISN'T IT A BETTER WAY TO FACILITATE THE MEETING WITH YOUR MAKER??

Dangling on a rope 6 ft off the ground.
My destination is 6ft into the ground.
A million thoughts cross my mind,should I or should I not.....

Orphaned by h.i.v I turned to you.
Only for your ignorance to slap me in the face.
You thought my helpless tear cud infect you.
Off to hell I join my promiscuous parents.
Sorry to say your daughter is expecting my son.........

Pastor, you dislike my affiliation to death metal.
My godfather u were when my parents paid tithe.
You conveniently missed their funeral then.
You tell me the devil is a liar.
I'd rather lose my soul than worship your hypocritical god..........

I have fat thighs,flabby arms and a potbelly but I recall u loved me for who I was.
Lipo-suction has become my lifestyle,
yet u spot a new roll of cellulite on me each morning.
Now that I am about to depart,honey,I think I cleaned your bank account..........

Food supplements right,left and centre.
but you still compare me to VIN DIESEL and make fun of my visible ribs..
signing the pre-nup was to your detriment since I'm leaving my estate to charity..........

Disapproving looks I get from society.
Since my sexual orientation beats the norm.
We were created by the same god.
So why shud he condemn me for his faults?
After all Im his image and likeness..........

Wankstas are branded perverts.
While priests are married to their palms.
Abstinence isn't in existence and neither is faithfulness.
Condoms are ineffective yet my hormones are effervescent.
I'll fix myself up with the lotion,criticize me and see if I care.............


Chapter 4; Men Are Men And Women Will Never Understand

A woman that has been around for a while will always have this question on their minds.
"Why are men so cruel?" "How can they do such evil and turn a blind eye and don't feel a thing?""Why do men cheat?" "Why do men hit women?"
We'll I.M.O {In my opinion} ,sorry old people if this lingo has passed you then you're a little over the hill,women made us that way.

Do not blame us. Blame the so called feminists band wagon.
Growing up,things were simple. Men were the wearers of the pants in the society. In Africa the family was not the basic unit,though some scholars may choose to differ.
A man was the following:
  1. The pillar
  2. The disciplinarian
  3. The fixer
  4. The prosecutor and judge.
Just to mention a few roles.
Ok if there are any ladies reading this then my apologies for the following remarks.
Feminism is utterly and in every sense of the word BOLLOCKS.However chauvinist I may sound,in fact methinks this word was invented along with the agenda of "emancipation of the girl-child"
Walk with me and let me make you understand.This is the paradox of gender equality.If it is indeed true then:
  1. We should be allowed knuckle up.I fail to understand why if my wife hits me and I reciprocate, I risk dropping the soap in the prison showers doing time prescribed by F.I.D.A.
  2. She should support me when I'm unemployed.Do that in this time and age and you are comfortably labeled a BUM.
  3. I should hop onto the bus and expect you to catch up.Do that and during her next "self-help" meeting they discuss the deficit of gentlemen in society.
  4. The provision that 30% of legislative seats be reserved be abolished.Rise to say that and they will make noise and wake the ancestors.
  5. I should call you any time my car swaps paint with another.Do that and someone anonymously calls Classic fm breakfast show and alas you are the talk of the town
Well then to answer the questions posed above.Men will always be men firstly because we can and secondly because feminism has opened our eyes.
When you lose dominance nothing should stop you from thinking that you are irreplaceable.
Chris Rock once joked that when you are laid off as a man the woman will be there to comfort you alright. She'll say, "honey we'll just have to get rid of some things and we'll be fine."

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Yea baby!!! It is hot potato time.
Please feel free to fill a seat in retarded section if by any chance you believe there's no God.
Many people are affiliated to religions for personal reasons.Others {e.g yours truly} found themselves in one.
Growing up if there's one thing in shiku's {God bless her soul}household that we took seriously was,you guessed right, CHURCH.We would rise with the roosters,get dressed in the prescribed attire and leave for mass.
Umoja 1 Catholic is where we would pay homage to the almighty. And time was crucial lest you miss a seat or find a place where you could only hear the Padre but he was out of sight.
The cardinal rule was "do not dare soil the clothes" This was so since water was a gem in Umoja Estate.Time came when we showed enough teeth to be dragged down to "Mafundisho"that was the beginning of my critical view of virtually all religions.
After creation the human-folk was dispatched with one common denominator,,(drums roll) A BRAIN!!!
The stories in the bible you'll agree with me hardly hold water.I further feel very insulted when it is shoved down the throats of innocent children that man was made from clay and woman from a man's rib.What hog wash. Evolution makes much sense.
See creationists have that feeling of self-worth that just makes me wanna cut myself.They always try to force their way as the absolute,unquestionable truth.Not on my watch.The holy book is punctuated by numerous  inconsistencies and a bluff of vicious hellish inferno if one doesn't conform to these absurdities.
In nazi ruled Germany it was simple.It was either you champion their ideologies or you're dead.The religious "almighty"says its either you love me or I send you to hell.I find no difference in the two scenarios.Jews were being massacred for just being that.They cry foul.Still the "almighty" they believe in will want to massacre non believers when the impending judgment day finally arrives.
People who refuse to think for themselves are a sad lot.Why would people spend their whole lives believing on the rain-makers while you have meteorologists for that.
Here comes my aim of starting this blog .Simple. Getting rid of the one thing that Einstein termed as infinite human stupidity.
The society should let children attain their age of majority to decide for themselves whether to be religious.Parents should only be charged with the task of developing a positive conscience that's all.
My view is that God exists but not on the wave length of religion.His is a power that superceeds human comprehension.And do not be fooled the world is not ending..It is ever dynamic and possibly man from the future will ultimately be able to decipher God.People tend to make a song and dance out of my religious views,this is all I say to them....
Pamoja tutumie ubongo.

Friday 15 July 2011


I  wanna be a rockstar.I want everyone to like me. ME AND ME ALONE I wanna play the electric guitar…..
I can only play drums..I can only play that infuriating, frequent to every kip, kipchir and kipchirchir tune.tu ta tu ta tu.
At least I know shiku {my mum} likes me and of course my old man and my lovely sisters do too.
Life, elegant ladies and distinguished gentlemen, hardly turns out as we expect. Every time you set the bar high you never really have a safety net idea in case your ambitions fall through. Some religious folk may say the devil is a liar, well that’s a bite we’ll have to chew in the future but I,Okoth K’Olwal, have a slightly different perspective toward life. I may come off as rather eccentric but hey every village has its generous share of weirdos.
I have always harbored a desire to be a whole lot of things.From those days {god bless them} in kindergarten we would be asked to come up with a list of what we would want to become in life and with pride put them in bullet form(I cant do it in word) Driver,cobbler,shop-keeper etc.
Well you can’t blame us entirely because we fell in that age cluster where the law would recognize us as infants.and not in any way looking down on these modest professions.I used to run a shop at some point in my childhood.
As we progressed our ideas changed and we yearned for greater things.All these aspirations summed up together and distributed on our growth curves almost carve us out as the generation with no direction.
Our education system is fucked up.Sorry to say.It has been that way for a long time.The professors that we regurgitate do nothing much than perpetuate the same fuckery that they went through.And we pride ourselves in having two of these fools at the helm of the ministry in charge.Every time I check there is always crap about curriculum developers and publishers blowing hot exhaust through our ears with the gospel of revised edition in the course books used in our schools.That is  their interpretation of “kubadirisha rangi ya kitabu”
This is why high school never made much sense to me and I’m sure the feeling is mutual to many Kenyans.

By the time you are through you feel a notch higher on the scale of stupidity.You just do not know what you want.When presented with a list of careers you are as confused as a baby in a topless bar.My two cents on occupational dilemmas is one should enter high school and only do the subjects that he/she believes will help them in future,ours is focused more on the quantity bit and the quality is in the toilet.My heart goes to those already damaged by the system.Make the best out of the situation you found yourself in.When life throws you a lemon duck and show it your middle finger..That to me is the authentic definition of success.

I will rarely quote any famous people since I also would like to be inducted in their cloaks of fame.Here is one of my own;Success in my estimation is neither a function nor a derivative of rigorous and laborious activity.It is simply how you bridge the gap between fantasy and reality.


Kenny Rogers got it right; life presents you with situations that you must savor so that history may not judge you harshly. TO BE THE MAN YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE MAN.
`My first and subsequent fights were really nothing to write home about. I lost. Badly and shamefully. See at a certain time in my infancy I weighed in a little more than my age would permit. I believed that I was exceeding in potency, doughty in heart and superior in warfare. The proverbial devil in me deemed it fit to exert my authority amongst my peers. I hinted at my wing man (may he rot in hell) that I would soon call out the raunda’s(or hood) stud for an old fashioned brawl. I needed to watch a few 5-bob-deejayed in kikuyu dialect action flicks to brush up on my skills for the bout.
Discretion was clearly an alien concept to my buddy. The next day I was perched up on the third floor of an incomplete flat we occupied. I could not help but notice an army of kids approaching the gate and the boxing guru being given a little pep talk by his “coach” Yea we had coaches however absurd it may sound. See coming from the hood with no toys and no playstations, we were pretty much the masters of our own imagination.
I damn near piss my pants.”JUMP” said my silly side. Before I could collect my thoughts he was collecting me from the ground. Kicks here blows there rained in on me. It was what we branded a flawless beat down. I did not throw even a speculative fist. Then came my clanger moment when I started apologizing. I’ve had to pause typing for this to sink in. For those who had the privilege or lack of it of being raised by the streets know. It is a general principle. You don’t express regret in battle. I came to learn later when my “friends” chanted “nisamehe” every time I walked by.
This was a bad day in the office as I look back to the events as they unfolded and think to myself, “I COULD TAKE THAT GUY” or so I still think.
In life challenges are only worth the tag if you confront them with boulders between your legs so as to reflect on your experiences and say hey I came this far and next time this is the point I change tact.