Wednesday 20 July 2011


Yea baby!!! It is hot potato time.
Please feel free to fill a seat in retarded section if by any chance you believe there's no God.
Many people are affiliated to religions for personal reasons.Others {e.g yours truly} found themselves in one.
Growing up if there's one thing in shiku's {God bless her soul}household that we took seriously was,you guessed right, CHURCH.We would rise with the roosters,get dressed in the prescribed attire and leave for mass.
Umoja 1 Catholic is where we would pay homage to the almighty. And time was crucial lest you miss a seat or find a place where you could only hear the Padre but he was out of sight.
The cardinal rule was "do not dare soil the clothes" This was so since water was a gem in Umoja Estate.Time came when we showed enough teeth to be dragged down to "Mafundisho"that was the beginning of my critical view of virtually all religions.
After creation the human-folk was dispatched with one common denominator,,(drums roll) A BRAIN!!!
The stories in the bible you'll agree with me hardly hold water.I further feel very insulted when it is shoved down the throats of innocent children that man was made from clay and woman from a man's rib.What hog wash. Evolution makes much sense.
See creationists have that feeling of self-worth that just makes me wanna cut myself.They always try to force their way as the absolute,unquestionable truth.Not on my watch.The holy book is punctuated by numerous  inconsistencies and a bluff of vicious hellish inferno if one doesn't conform to these absurdities.
In nazi ruled Germany it was simple.It was either you champion their ideologies or you're dead.The religious "almighty"says its either you love me or I send you to hell.I find no difference in the two scenarios.Jews were being massacred for just being that.They cry foul.Still the "almighty" they believe in will want to massacre non believers when the impending judgment day finally arrives.
People who refuse to think for themselves are a sad lot.Why would people spend their whole lives believing on the rain-makers while you have meteorologists for that.
Here comes my aim of starting this blog .Simple. Getting rid of the one thing that Einstein termed as infinite human stupidity.
The society should let children attain their age of majority to decide for themselves whether to be religious.Parents should only be charged with the task of developing a positive conscience that's all.
My view is that God exists but not on the wave length of religion.His is a power that superceeds human comprehension.And do not be fooled the world is not ending..It is ever dynamic and possibly man from the future will ultimately be able to decipher God.People tend to make a song and dance out of my religious views,this is all I say to them....
Pamoja tutumie ubongo.

1 comment:

  1. What a comparison, the Nazi's versus Christianity; great analysis! However, I won't be dragged into your ideology though. I remain Christian and more so Catholic. Not just because I found myself there ( well somehow I did. Father Anglican and mother Catholic). About my choice; story for another day
